We are excited to announce our upcoming sports seasons for OKCPS 5th and 6th graders during the '24 - 25' school year. 

Nos complace anunciar nuestras próximas temporadas deportivas para los estudiantes de 5º y 6º grado de OKCPS durante el año escolar '24 - 25'.

Student/Athlete Expectations

We know how important sports are for our children's future success. But sports are a privilege to play, and we want to set our kids on the right path by holding them to similar standards as the student-athletes in grades 7 - 12!

Players will have to maintain a D or above to play in games with the PAL teams. If your child is failing one or more classes, they will be placed on a two-week probation period, during which they will still be able to play in games and practice with the team. After that two-week period, if they are still failing, they will not be able to play in games until they get their grade or grades up. By the student-athlete enrolling in PAL Sports, you agree to these terms. 

  • Sabemos lo importante que es el deporte para el éxito futuro de nuestros hijos. Pero, los deportes son un privilegio para jugar y queremos poner a nuestros hijos en el camino correcto al mantenerlos en estándares similares a los de los estudiantes atletas en los grados 7 a 12.

    Los jugadores tendrán que mantener una D o superior para poder jugar en los partidos con los equipos PAL. Si su hijo está reprobando una o más clases, se le colocará en un período de prueba de 2 semanas en el que aún podrá jugar en juegos y practicar con el equipo. Después de ese período de dos semanas, si aún están fallando, no podrán jugar en los juegos hasta que obtengan su calificación o calificaciones.  Al inscribirse en PAL Sports, el estudiante atleta acepta estos términos

Need Equipment?

Cleats for Kids provides free sports shoes and gear of all types and sizes to Oklahoma athletes in need. Need help getting equipment/cleats for your kids? Fill out the request form below.

3rd & 4th grade YMCA Partnership

The YMCA has been a great partner of ours helping serve the youth of our community in our Elementary Schools.  So, If you have children in 3rd or 4th grade at OKCPS that are wanting to play sports for their elementary school, please follow the link below for more information about the Elementary School Sports League or you can contact the program director below.